Call our office at (904) 387-3330 and follow the prompts to Emergency services, please leave a voicemail at the tone and our on call Doctor will call you back quickly. If you do not leave a voicemail calls may be missed! For immediate response leave a detailed voice message!
We are always available for your emergencies. If your horse is a regular patient and has been seen by us for its routine care this year(vaccines, Coggins test etc.) you can depend on us being available 24/7. Those Clients who handle all of their routine work with us will also get a wellness discount on their ER fee.
If your horse is not a patient or hasn’t been seen by us within the last 12 months, we will try to work it in during the day. However if at night or on a weekend it needs to be an established patient, in good standing, for our doctors to come to your farm. Remaining on call 24/7 365 days a year for an entire career is a challenge in and of itself, so in order to give our best to our clients we must ensure our emergency availability is open for current clients in good standing.
We are excited to offer a Clinic in Green Cove Springs that will allow those who are out of our typical map range to have an option to haul to for routine appointments, and clients for emergency after hours and day time hours care and rehab.