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Butterfly IQ

Butterfly Network has introduced Ultrasound-on-Chip technology. Their second-generation device, Butterfly iQ+ Vet, uses a 2D array of 9,000 micro-machined sensors to generate and receive ultrasound waves. This allows a single probe to be used to scan the entire body, simply by selecting between presets which optimize the imaging settings for the different anatomic regions to be scanned. The device fits in a pocket, can be used without plugging into a wall outlet, and connects with compatible smartphones or tablets as the display screen and enables an intuitive, touch-based interface. An added benefit for equine practitioners is the durability of the iQ+ Vet. The probe is dust- and water-resistant*, tested to withstand 4-foot drops†, and sealed so it can be used with alcohol as an acoustic coupler and disinfected between horses.

There are opportunities across the equine care continuum to leverage ultrasound for diagnostic precision. To evaluate soft tissue structures and bony surfaces of the distal limbs, Butterfly devices are equipped with a Musculoskeletal Equine setting, designed to optimize the image of these structures while using an acoustic gel standoff pad. Biplane Imaging enables simultaneous views of the transverse and longitudinal images, and Needle Viz highlights needles in bright blue; Biplane makes diagnosis of soft tissue lesions easier, and both features provide added accuracy for any interventional procedure.

Scanning the abdomen of a horse with acute abdominal pain is rapidly becoming the standard of care. A fast localized abdominal scan of a horse (FLASH) can be quickly performed in the field or clinic with the iQ+ Vet, providing invaluable information to the practitioner when making decisions in these emergency cases. Evaluation of swellings, lumps, and bumps can be quickly and easily performed, enabling the veterinarian to assess the extent and contents of swellings and provide guidance for the most appropriate course of treatment.

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